“The Intuitive Way to the Tarot” – next class coming up!

  • By Brigitte
  • Published July 18, 2023
  • Tagged

We live in uncertain times. Many of us are in need of answers logic does not have. An intuitive, ethical minded reader can really help to empower and equip a client to tackle the path ahead with new insights and greater confidence. Will you be one of us?


We prefer the intuitive approach to Tarot.  The Tarot cards act as triggers, the meaning comes through intuition – an image, a thought, a sensation, and there are as many different meanings as there are clients. After over 30 years, I am still surprised with new interpretations coming through!

I have taught Intuitive Tarot for CIT Solutions for seven years and it has helped my students to not only master the art of Tarot readings in general, but also develop and strengthen their intuitive abilities. You can, too!

The next course runs over two Saturdays in September 2023, Saturday 9 & 16, from 11am – 3.30pm with a 30 minutes lunch break. The Sage Hut in Bungendore can accept a maximum of 7 students. Minimum student number for the class to run is 5 so you can gain experience from reading for each other. The classes are highly interactive and lots of fun!

There is an optional add-on of 2 hours on Sunday, 17 September from 2-4pm for practice on  members of the public: each student invites a friend and you read for somebody else’s friend. I will be around as a Tarot rouseabout to help if needed.

Cost is $165 for the class and $30 for the optional additional two hours practise with the public.

If this course draws you, book in to secure your spot via webmail or email directly to sagehutwizard@gmail.com. Talk soon!