A dentist does not do his own fillings. This clairvoyant turns to a colleague at times. And this time, Monica Ward picked up a past life yours truly endured in her new area of the goldfields, causing a sense of uneasiness – aha!
I saw myself as the young widow of a gold miner, wearing pants, tending horses and basically keeping the show on the road and doing the job of Mum and Dad, raising a 4, 6 and 12 year old child! The house was a little old cottage and very cold. My leather boots were hard from constant contact with mud (like now, except these days I wear gumboots). No wonder I feel drawn back to Canberra… but my decision is to settle here to be near family. Last time I came here against my will, as part of an arranged marriage…
The ending was very positive, I lived to 98 years and was loved and respected, surrounded by friends and family in a beautiful home. I can handle that!
And then came the biggest surprise I ever had from my numerous spirit encounters.
A close family member who had passed away a few years ago, whom I had life long big issues with (and used to blame for my insecurities and feelings of worthlessness) sat on my bed and looked at me with eyes of love. I was overcome. I had tried and tried to forgive them, and never quite got there. There was total trust, even affection, and respect. It felt amazing. It then turned out that they (yes I am protecting an identity here 🙂 ) had been my doctor in that past life and removed a goiter! They had cared about me and admired my tenacity – in this life, the experience had been very different. It was truly a melting moment and I felt as though all my anger and resentment was melting away.
We have much to learn – and much to be grateful for!